Dark Horse Design


The Art, Science, and Rational Thought Behind Logo Design

Whether you’re launching a new business or considering a brand refresh, one of the most important decisions you’ll make is your logo design. Your logo will appear on all of your marketing materials, from low-cost materials like brochures to high-end displays at trade shows. It will be prominently featured your website and next to your name on business cards. It’s the “staple” of your brand. It tells the story of who you are through words, images, and unique features, inspiring your audience to form an opinion. 


With all that in mind, it seems like a no-brainer to invest in a graphic designer who is truly authentic. Someone who will take the time to understand why your brand was born, what your core values are, and how you want to be perceived. But the truth is, most small-to-medium sized businesses aren’t willing to make an investment in a well-designed logo. It can be an unexpected and overwhelming cost of doing business that some consider to be frivolous, unnecessary or overrated. 

If you’re on the fence about whether or not your logo is a crucial business asset, here at some things to consider. 


Logo Design is a Science, Not Just an Art

 Logo design is largely thought to be a creative process, but there is an abundance of 

science backing it. Graphic designers carefully combine different colors, font styles, line work, and shapes to create a meaningful product. Logos are not just meant to look beautiful; they are designed to grab attention and elicit an emotional response. Many times, it’s the first impression you will have with your potential customers, clients, or investors. 

 Sure, there are a ton of generic logos online that you can acquire for very little cost – but so can all of your equally skeptical competitors. And simply repurposing the same design for your own brand completely removes your sense of identity and purpose. Your logo won’t resonate with your audience because it looks just like all the other clone logos out there. 

 A solid graphic designer will be familiar with these “imposter” designs and protect your company’s identity. Design is a critical part of communication… And no one wants to fall in the category of branding or rebranding failures due to lack of ingenuity. 


A Professional Appearance 

 Logos are a clear representation of who you are and what you stand for. You wouldn’t go into a business meeting unprepared or informally clothed – you would act and dress like the professional you are. Standing behind a bad logo is almost the same as having bad business etiquette. It sends the wrong message and almost always hold you back from reaching your true potential. 


 A strong logo will add value to your presence in the physical and digital community. Over time, this will translate into new leads, customers, and sales. Why? Because you’ve clearly communicated who you are and the value you have to offer – taking out all the guesswork for your audience. Look how the logo above clearly communicates the company’s mission and establishes credibility. 

We all speak different languages, but the entire human race has learned to communicate with symbols and pictures. That’s why your visual identityis often much stronger than you’ll ever be able to get across with words. Your brand assets won’t just entice your audience, it will incentivize them to take action. 


Out with the Old

Logo design has evolved rapidly with the rise of the digital age. What used to work will no longer cut it when you’re trying to keep a competitive edge in your niche or industry. It is now a complex process that involves staying up to date on the latest trends and techniques, like asymmetry, geometric shapes, and symbolism. There is greater depth and dimension, a shift away from the “simple is always better” mindset. For some business owners, hiring a seasoned design team to lead the effort is an easy decision, simply because of the time and creative energy it takes to execute correctly.  

5 Star Logo_final.png

If you research the history of logos, you’ll see that some companies have spent millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars on their branding and rebranding campaigns. It’s not because they had a steady stream of resources at their disposal – it’s because they saw the value in protecting their brand reputation. They’ve generated trust and seen incredible growth by investing in their brand assets.  

 When you’re making a decision about your company’s logo, think of the lasting impression you want to leave on your audience. The world is full of things that compete for our attention, and you need to be able to cut through all the noise. Outsource your creative needs to a team who will help you showcase your business in its best light.