
Put the Brakes On: We Have New Automotive-Friendly Products!

Recently we’ve shifted part of our focus to helping the automotive industry promote their products and services, and for good reason. 

Did you know there were more than 700 fatalities – yes, fatalities– caused by tire-related accidents in 2017? 

From deflated tires to worn out brake pads, unexpected vehicle failures can lead to unwanted and serious consequences. That’s why we are doing our part to make sure automotive companies and service professionals can supply their customers with consistent, reliable service.

Designed specifically with automotive dealerships in mind to help you service your customer’s tires and brake pads – and do so in style.


A Service Tech’s Best Friend:
Tire Tread Gauge & Brake Pad Gauge

Our new customizable cards and lanyards are perfect for the day-to-day life of a service tech. Each one offers a visual gauge of where a customer’s car is on the “safety spectrum,” which is broken down into three categories:

  • “OK at this time”

  • “May require future attention”

  • “Requires immediate attention” 

Simply follow the instructions on the card to measure where your customer’s tires or brake pads are at, then offer your professional service advice based on the results.

Reimagined Automotive Sales Tools

Let’s face it: there are plenty of drivers out there who don’t maintain their car as regularly as they should. Time, cost, and educationall play their part in this. How much do your customers really understand about the inner workings of their vehicle? 

As an automotive specialist, they trust you to make sure their car is running safely and efficiently. But it’s in our nature to be conservative, so even when you make a helpful suggestion, there may be some push back:

“I don’t have time for auto repairs right now.”

“I wasn’t budgeting for this.” 

“I don’t think the problem is that bad.” 

Sound familiar? Before your customer even thinks about skipping their next service or repairs, show them proof of the problem. Use your branded tire tread gauge or brake pad gauge to illustrate why follow-through is important.  

It’s a win-win for both parties: the customer walks away feeling like they made an informed decision, and the dealership benefits from the sale. 

Custom branded tire gauge and brake pad gauges make excellent sales tools for auto service professionals.

Custom branded tire gauge and brake pad gauges make excellent sales tools for auto service professionals.

Gain Brand Recognition in the Process 

Our custom cards and lanyards aren’t just designed to make life easier and increase your profit margins, they can also increase the staying power of your company. 

When a customer is exposed to the same brand multiple times, it begins to raise their awareness of it (i.e. picking up on slogans, images, or values). That’s why you should make sure all of your marketing materials and dealership sales tools have a clean, cohesive look. 

Each card and lanyard can be customized by our in-house design team and printed with your company’s logo. We can work within your company’s existing guidelines or, if you’re fairly new to the industry, our creative team can help you reinforce your visual identity.  

Tire and brake pad issues are a common cause of accidents, and you’re in a unique position to help your customers. Don’t be a part of the problem, be a part of the solution by adding our personalized cards and lanyards to your toolbox today. 

*For order quantities under 100, generic options are available.

Christine RusinComment