
Project Spotlight - Pirates of Hilton Head Holiday Cards

The holidays and a new year full of endless possibilities are quickly approaching. December presents a wonderful opportunity to send thoughtful messages of appreciation and good cheer to the people who have supported your business throughout the year.

Show your customers, vendors, partners, and employees the value you place on your relationships with a custom card designed by Dark Horse. An ultra fast turnaround time and convenient 2 day printing option enables you to send well wishes and promote your business in a fun and festive way, just in time for the holidays.

More companies are following the growing trend of email blasting impersonal, electronic holiday greetings to every contact in their database. Unfortunately, the warm and intimate feelings associated with holiday cards, is quickly lost in the avalanche of junk and spam mail.

Existing client, Pirates of Hilton Head operates out of Hilton Head, SC and offers pirate adventure boat rides for children. Pirates of Hilton Head places deep value in maintaining and fostering relationships with their customers. This client commissioned Dark Horse to create a fun and totally unique holiday card this season.

In the design, Dark Horse left the inside top portion of the card black to provide the client with space for a handwritten personalize message to the children and their families.

Restore the time-honored holiday tradition of sending hopes for a happy and successful new year by having Dark Horse create and print a professional and exciting holiday card to sending your existing and potential business partners and customers.

Discover how Dark Horse can take your holiday cheer to the next level.

Christine RusinComment